About GenIAliz

à propos de Genializ Éditeur Newsletter Genializ création de site internet

I support companies as they adapt to the changes brought about by the web

About Genializ and my story

About Genializ, here’s some information about the values I stand for. I’m proud to be able to draw on 30 years of professional experience, which has enabled me to evolve through different roles, from sales representative to manager and quality manager. I’ve developed skills that now enable me to put this varied expertise at the service of companies, helping them to evolve with the web and achieve their objectives thanks to my know-how in website creation. I offer my services for the design of personalised websites because my aim is to help my clients boost their online visibility. And for those looking for a more advanced approach, I offer advice and guidance on optimising their image using artificial intelligence.

What’s more, the Internet offers an exceptional opportunity to attract large numbers of customers and secure their long-term loyalty to your products or services. So I’m here to help you make the most of this opportunity by creating high-performance websites and supporting you in your online strategy.

About Genializ and my personalised help for businesses

I chose to set up as a webmaster to offer personalised assistance to companies in their development on the Internet.

I use my skills to guide them towards a solid online presence and continued growth.

Key figures

Satisfied customer 100%
+ 30 years of experience
Marketing - Business Techniques - Transformational Leadership

My services for a successful online presence

Web Marketing

Stratégie digitale Création de site internet - à propos de de Genializ Communiquer pour être visible et convertir avec Samuel Roglin le Web Marketeur qui GenIAliz votre projet

Natural referencing

Création de site internet - à propos de de Genializ -Pourquoi vous devez optimiser votre site internet avec Genializ création web en France et en Suisse francophone


Création de site internet - à propos de de Genializ -Les designs et graphisme de Samuel Roglin Genializ web Designer


Création de site internet L'importance d'être protégé avec un professionnel de la sécurité internet

In conclusion

In short, by working with GenIAliz, you benefit from a holistic approach to your online presence, with solutions tailored to your specific needs and focused on the success of your business in the digital world.

About the importance of having a presence on the Internet

Today, more than ever, the Internet is an essential platform for attracting and retaining a large audience, as it offers content tailored to their needs and expectations.

Creating a professional website allows you to:

The Web is changing

About Genializ and web trends

In 2020, for 71% of businesses, an online presence is essential, and for 63% it is essential to present their activities online. What’s more, the world has entered a new technological era with the arrival of AI or artificial intelligence. There are five types of SME facing up to the arrival of AI: cautious, demanding, receptive, static and opportunistic. Digital technologies are seen as a real advantage by 71% of the ‘Demanding’ segment, but lack of time, difficulty in finding the right person and lack of knowledge are hampering their digital commitment.

And yet 

1 %

Increasing conversion rates through targeted adjustments and optimisation to facilitate the user experience

Digital Marketing
1 X

This is the increase in sales for companies that use social media to sell, as opposed to those that do not.

1 %

Consumers who visit a shop during the day after searching for information on their smartphone. 18% result in a sale

The questions you need to ask yourself

So what are you waiting for? What would be the best, most appropriate strategy for achieving your goals?

About GenIAliz and the values I stand for

My assets My difference


I promise to get back to you within 24 hours and to meet delivery deadlines, because your time is precious. I am available and always attentive to your needs.

Advice and support

I tailor your support to create a website that perfectly reflects your brand image and attracts customers. My advice will help you overcome obstacles, publish attractive content and adopt effective strategies to attract customers to the web.


Essential, to keep up with new trends, adjust to technological developments and respond to changing market needs. I offer effective and innovative solutions that are in line with your objectives and vision, ensuring a transparent and fruitful collaboration.

Tailored coaching and support are the keys to creating a successful website.”– Jeff Bezos

Contact GenIAliz today to improve your online presence and strengthen your position in the digital economy.

About Me

Find me


Bd Du pont d’Ave 49

1205 Genève

Contact me at

Tél : +41 79 628 11 64


Mon-Fri 09:00 – 18:00

Sat-Sun: Emergencies 

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