Welcome to the Genializ contact page


The Genializ contact form is quick and easy to fill in. It will enable me to obtain the information I need to respond effectively to your request. I attach great importance to each request I receive and I am committed to giving you a quick and relevant response.

Don’t leave your questions unanswered or your ideas unfulfilled. Fill in the contact form now and let me help you make your project a reality. I look forward to hearing from you and working with you to help you succeed online.


Information request / Quotation

Your request has been successfully submitted and I will examine it carefully. I make it my duty to treat every request with the utmost care and to give you a personalised reply as soon as possible..

Find me


Bd Du pont d’Ave 49

1205 Genève

Contact me at

Tel: +41 79 628 11 64

Email : contact@genializ.com


Mon-Fri 09:00 – 18:00

Sat-Sun: Emergencies 

GenIAliz Website Creation
Complete Solution for a Professional, High-Performance Website

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