Web glossary

Discover the web glossary, an essential resource on the GenIAliz website creation blog.

Explore the key terms and concepts related to web design and development to enhance your knowledge and optimise your online presence.

A CMS (Content Management System) is a content management system that makes it easy to create, manage and organise the content of a website. It provides a user-friendly interface and practical functions for creating and modifying pages, managing media, publishing articles, managing users, etc.

The CMS allows users to create and update content without having to master web programming languages such as HTML, CSS or JavaScript. It often offers features such as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editors, which allow content to be formatted without the need for technical knowledge.

The most popular CMS are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Shopify and many others. Each CMS has its own features, benefits and developer community.

There are many advantages to using a CMS, including ease of content management, the ability to collaborate with multiple users, management of access permissions, customisation of the site’s appearance using themes, and the ability to add extra functionality using plugins or extensions.

In short, a CMS is a powerful and practical tool that makes it easy to create, manage and update websites without requiring in-depth programming knowledge.

A sales funnel is a concept similar to the sales tunnel. It is a marketing process that represents the path that a visitor or prospect follows from their first interaction with a company through to making a purchase.

The sales funnel is represented in the form of a funnel to illustrate the different stages a prospect goes through before becoming a customer. It is made up of several key stages, such as awareness, interest, evaluation, decision and action.

Each stage of the sales funnel has a specific objective. For example, during the awareness phase, the objective is to attract the prospect’s attention and arouse their interest in the product or service. Then, during the interest stage, the objective is to deepen the prospect’s interest by providing relevant information and answering their questions. The evaluation stage involves helping the prospect to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the offer, while the decision stage aims to convince them to make the purchase. Finally, the action stage encourages the prospect to take concrete action, such as making a purchase or contacting the company.

The main objective of the sales funnel is to optimise the conversion process by guiding prospects through the different stages in a strategic way. It qualifies prospects, provides them with the information they need at each stage, manages objections and encourages them to take action.

In short, a sales funnel is a marketing process that represents the journey a prospect takes from their first interaction with a company through to making a purchase. It is made up of several key stages and aims to optimise the conversion process by guiding prospects through these stages strategically.

see also sales tunnel (The main difference between a sales funnel and a sales tunnel lies in their approach and scope.

In computing and technology, an interface refers to the area of communication and interaction between a user and a computer system. It enables the user to interact with the system, perform actions and receive information.

The main objective of an interface is to make use of the system intuitive, user-friendly and efficient for users. A well-designed interface takes into account the needs and expectations of users, while providing clear and accessible functionality and information.

An interface can be present in different contexts, such as software, mobile applications, websites and electronic devices. It plays an essential role in the user experience (UX) by influencing the ease of use, efficiency and overall satisfaction of the user when interacting with the system.

An interface can take different forms, such as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) where interactions are made using visual elements such as buttons, drop-down menus and windows, or a Command Line Interface (CLI) where interactions are made using text commands.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a mark-up language used to describe the presentation and formatting of a document written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language).

CSS is used to control the visual appearance of a website by defining the styles, colours, fonts, margins, alignments, dimensions, animations and other visual attributes of HTML elements. This separates the structure of the content (HTML) from its presentation (CSS), making it easier to maintain and manage styles throughout the site.

CSS rules can be defined directly in the HTML tag (inline style), in an internal style block in the HTML document header, or in an external CSS file linked to the HTML document.

CSS offers great flexibility, enabling the creation of complex page layouts, attractive designs, fluid transitions and animations, as well as adaptations for different types of device through the use of media queries.

In short, CSS is a mark-up language used to control the visual appearance of HTML or XML documents, enabling the content of a website to be personalised and styled in a flexible and consistent way.

HTML, an acronym for “HyperText Markup Language”, is the markup language used to create and structure the content of a web page. It is a standardised language that defines the structure, elements and tags of a web document.

HTML uses tags to mark different elements of content and give them a specific meaning. HTML tags are surrounded by chevrons (“<” and “>”) and are generally used in pairs, with an opening tag and a closing tag. For example, the “<h1>” tag is used to represent a top-level title, and must be closed with the “</h1>” tag.

HTML tags can also contain attributes that provide additional information about the elements. For example, the “src” attribute is used in the “<img>” tag to specify the location of the image to be displayed.

HTML is the foundation of most websites and is interpreted by browsers to display content to users. It allows content to be structured and organised logically, making it easier to read, understand and present content consistently across different devices and browsers.

In short, HTML is a mark-up language used to structure the content of a web page using tags and elements. It defines the basic structure of a web page and serves as the foundation for adding styles (with CSS) and interactive features (with JavaScript) to create interactive and attractive websites.

XML, an acronym for “eXtensible Markup Language”, is a markup language designed to structure, store and transport data in a way that is readable by humans and machines. It is a generic markup language that allows the creation of customised documents with user-defined tags.

Unlike HTML, which is primarily used for creating web pages and presenting content, XML is used to describe the structure and meaning of data. XML offers flexibility allowing users to create their own tags and define their own validation rules.

XML is widely used in various fields, such as:

  1. Data exchange: XML is used to facilitate the exchange of data between different applications, systems and platforms. It enables structured and standardised communication.
  2. Data storage: XML can be used as a storage format for data, providing an organised structure and the ability to easily retrieve and manipulate information.
  3. Configuration and parameterisation: XML is used to define configurations and parameters in many systems and applications. It allows functionality to be customised and adjusted according to specific needs.
  4. Web services: XML is a commonly used format for exchanging data between clients and servers in web services. It enables integration and interoperability between different applications and platforms.

It should be noted that XML itself does not specify any visual presentation or formatting. To display XML data in a readable way, transformation languages such as XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) can be used to apply styles and generate output in different formats such as HTML or PDF.

In summary, XML is a mark-up language used to structure, store and transport data in a way that is readable by humans and machines. It offers the flexibility and extensibility to create custom documents with user-defined tags.



In marketing terms, a lead is an individual or company who has expressed an interest in a company’s products or services. They are qualified prospects who have provided their contact details, such as name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc., in exchange for information, an offer or specific content. Leads are considered potential sales opportunities and are generally followed up and nurtured with the aim of converting them into customers.


A white paper is an informative and educational document that presents a specific subject in detail and depth. It is generally used for marketing and lead generation purposes. A white paper offers quality information and relevant advice on a particular subject, often with the aim of establishing a company’s expertise in that area.

White papers are often used as persuasion and conversion tools, as they offer added value to readers and can help them solve a problem or better understand a subject. They can be downloaded free of charge in exchange for the reader’s contact details, enabling the company to develop its list of prospects and carry out subsequent marketing actions.

White papers can be used in a variety of sectors and industries, such as technology, marketing, finance, healthcare and so on. They are often professionally written, with detailed information, case studies, in-depth analyses and recommendations.

In short, a white paper is an informative and strategic document used to provide quality information on a specific subject, establish a company’s expertise and generate leads.


Digital marketing, also known as online marketing or digital marketing, encompasses all the marketing strategies, tactics and actions used to promote products, services or brands through digital channels. It exploits online technologies and platforms to reach and engage a targeted audience, generate traffic, drive conversions and build an online presence.

Digital marketing includes various disciplines and activities, such as:

  1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): It encompasses paid search (pay-per-click advertising) and organic search (search engine optimisation) to improve a website’s visibility in search results.
  2. Social Media Marketing: It involves the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc…, to promote products or services, interact with users and create an online community.
  3. Content marketing: Focuses on the creation and distribution of relevant, quality content to attract, inform and engage a target audience. This can include blogs, articles, videos, infographics, e-books, podcasts, etc.
  4. Email marketing: It involves using email to communicate with potential and existing customers, sending them newsletters, special offers, product information, etc.
  5. Online advertising: This includes display advertising, search engine advertising, video advertising, native advertising, etc…, to deliver targeted ads on websites, mobile apps and online platforms.
  6. Influencer marketing: This involves working with influencers and online personalities to promote products or services and reach their audience.
  7. Data analysis and performance tracking: This involves collecting and analysing data to measure results, identify trends, optimise strategies and make informed decisions.

Digital marketing offers many advantages over traditional marketing methods, including global reach, increased interactivity, accurate measurement of results, personalisation of messages, audience segmentation and flexibility in budget management.

It is important to design a coherent digital marketing strategy that is tailored to business objectives, taking into account the specifics of each channel and bearing in mind user experience and good practice in terms of data protection.

Maximisation is about achieving the highest or best possible level in a specific area.

Maximisation aims to achieve the best overall result by fully exploiting all available resources and opportunities, in order to obtain the best results or returns. Unlike optimisation, maximisation aims to make the most of all the variables or parameters involved, without limiting itself to specific aspects. For example, in the context of a website, maximisation might involve exploiting all revenue-generating opportunities, reaching the largest possible number of users, obtaining the best return on investment, etc.

Media queries are a key feature of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) used to apply different styles depending on the characteristics of the device or viewing environment.

Media queries allow web developers to define specific CSS rules that only apply when certain conditions are met. These conditions can include characteristics such as screen width, resolution, device orientation, device type and so on.

For example, with a media query, you can specify a set of CSS rules that only apply when the screen width is less than 768 pixels, which is typically used to target mobile devices. You can also define specific rules for printers, high-resolution screens, landscape devices, etc.

Media queries are essential for creating responsive designs, as they allow you to define specific style rules for different breakpoints, ensuring that the site adapts appropriately to different devices and screen sizes.

Optimisation is the process of improving or making something as efficient, functional or effective as possible, by making the best possible use of available resources.

Optimisation focuses on the specific improvement of certain aspects or variables.

The main objective of optimisation is to obtain optimal results using specific methods, techniques or strategies. Optimisation often focuses on improving specific aspects such as speed, efficiency, profitability, etc. For example, in the context of a website, optimisation could involve optimising site performance, optimising keywords for search engine optimisation, optimising the user experience, etc.

On-page optimisation is a search engine optimisation (SEO) technique that consists of optimising the elements and content of a web page to improve its visibility and ranking in search engines. This includes optimising HTML tags (such as title tags, meta description tags, header tags), using relevant keywords in the content, improving URL structure, optimising images, optimising page load speed, and many other technical and content-related aspects that can influence the SEO of a web page. The aim of On-page optimisation is to offer a quality user experience while providing search engines with clear and relevant information about the page’s content.

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization, refers to all the techniques and practices designed to improve the visibility and positioning of a website in the organic results of search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

The aim of SEO is to optimise a website so that it ranks higher in search results for relevant and targeted keywords. When your site ranks higher in search results, it is more likely to be seen by users, which can generate more qualified traffic and potentially lead to increased brand visibility, awareness, conversions and revenue.

SEO involves various techniques, such as content optimisation (creating quality content, using relevant keywords, structuring content), technical optimisation (optimising code, loading speed, site structure, accessibility, etc.), optimising meta tags (titles, descriptions), improving the user experience, obtaining quality links from other sites (link building), optimising for mobile devices, etc.

It’s important to stress that SEO is a continuous and evolving process. Search engines regularly update their algorithms to provide relevant, quality search results. As a result, SEO practices need to be adapted in line with developments and recommended best practice.

SEO is a complex field and it is often advisable to call on the services of SEO experts to maximise results.

A website with a responsive design, also known as an adaptive website, is a site that automatically adapts and reorganises itself according to the size of the screen on which it is being viewed. This means that the content, layout and graphic elements of the site adjust fluidly to provide an optimal user experience, whatever the device used (desktop, tablet, smartphone, etc.).

The main objective of a responsive design is to ensure that users can easily access all the information and functionalities of the site, whatever their screen resolution. For example, site elements can be rearranged, resized or hidden to fit smaller screens, eliminating the need to zoom or scroll horizontally.

A site with a responsive design has several advantages. Firstly, it improves the user experience by offering fluid navigation and optimal legibility, which can encourage visitor engagement and reduce the bounce rate. What’s more, a responsive design is also beneficial for search engine optimisation, as search engines such as Google favour mobile-friendly sites in their rankings.

To implement a responsive design, techniques such as CSS media queries, flexible images and fluid grids are used to dynamically adapt the site’s presentation according to the characteristics of the device being used.

In short, a site with a responsive design offers an optimal and consistent user experience across all devices, enabling users to browse, consult and interact with the site effectively, whatever device they are using.

A sales tunnel, also known as a sales funnel, is a marketing process that guides prospects through different stages to convert them into customers. It represents the path that a visitor follows from their first interaction with a company to the final purchase. The sales tunnel is strategically designed to maximise the chances of conversion by offering relevant information, arousing interest, creating a sense of urgency and providing incentives for action.

The typical sales tunnel is made up of several stages, such as capturing the prospect’s contact details, presenting an irresistible offer, demonstrating the benefits of the product or service, dealing with objections, proposing complementary offers or up-selling, and finally closing the sale. Each stage is designed to guide the prospect towards the purchase and to maximise the value of each customer.

The aim of a sales tunnel is to create a fluid, optimised process that converts as many prospects as possible into paying customers, while offering a pleasant and convincing user experience. It can be implemented using a variety of techniques, such as capture pages, automated emails, videos, webinars, customer testimonials, etc.

In short, a sales tunnel is a strategic system that guides prospects through different stages to convert them into customers, maximising the chances of conversion and increasing the value of each customer. It is a powerful tool for companies looking to optimise their sales process and increase their revenues.

See also sales funnel (The main difference between a sales funnel and a sales tunnel lies in their approach and scope).

This involves offering customers products or services that complement those they have already selected or purchased. For example, when you buy a camera, the seller may offer accessories such as a protective cover, an extra memory card or a tripod. The aim is to encourage customers to purchase additional items that enhance or complement their initial shopping experience.

This technique consists of offering customers an improved, larger or more complete version of the product or service they initially chose. For example, when you book a hotel room, staff may offer you a luxury suite with extra benefits for an extra charge. The aim is to persuade customers to spend more by offering them a better deal or a better experience.

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