Privacy policy and GTCU

Privacy policy

This confidentiality policy applies to GenIAlyz

General information and legal bases

The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide you with comprehensive information on the use, storage and management of personal data. As the operator of the website, GenIAlyz takes the protection of your personal data very seriously.

In principle, you can use our website without providing any personal data such as your name and postal or e-mail address. We only process your personal data if you give us your explicit consent. In this case, we process your data confidentially and in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation in the EU (RGPD) and Switzerland (LPD), as well as with this privacy policy.

Collecting your data

You can contact us free of charge if you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data. You can also ask us to rectify, block or delete your personal data, or to revoke your consent. If you wish to change your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

Processing and storing your data

Data is processed and stored in compliance with the legal provisions on data protection. These are the legal provisions of the EU (RGPD) and Switzerland (LPD). In order to improve our website, we collect non-personal usage data. Your IP address, the pages you visit and the browser you use cannot be used to identify you.

Your personal data is only required to contact GenIAlyz or to order products or information material. In this case, we process this data exclusively for the purpose of dealing with your request. Finally, your data is stored in our internal database and transferred internally.


Our drives are protected by the required security features. Such as fault protection and a firewall against external attacks. Access rights are defined so that only the person authorised internally to process your data actually has access to it. And your data is not passed on to third parties because GenIAlyz does not process addresses or personal data.


With your consent, your data will be used for statistical and analytical purposes. We respect your preferences. Whether it’s to change your contact details, adjust mailings or block information.

In principle, we delete your data as soon as it is no longer required. Unless temporary storage is still necessary due to legal obligations of proof and storage as well as regulatory requirements.


Finally, we use cookies on our website to optimise our offer according to your needs. Please note that these cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain any viruses.

Web analysis

We collect data on our websites in order to analyse how visitors use our services. This enables us to constantly improve our communications and adapt them to the needs of our visitors. Finally, this analysis also enables us to use our communication resources efficiently and economically. In short, the data we collect on our websites enables us to analyse how visitors use our services. But also to continually improve our communications. But also to adapt it to visitors’ needs so that we can use our resources efficiently and economically.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics. This is a Google service based in the United States (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 United States) which carries out web analysis. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information. Such as the time, frequency and location of your visits to our site, as well as your IP address. However, we have added the “anonymizeIP” code to Google Analytics to mask your IP address before it is transmitted to Google’s servers.

Statistics and reports

The data is used to produce statistics and reports on the use of our website. It may also be passed on to third parties if this is legally required or if these third parties require the data on behalf of Google. We guarantee that Google Analytics complies with European data protection regulations. We also guarantee that it will never combine your IP address with other information;

Data retention

User and event data is stored for 26 months. And you can block the installation of cookies by configuring your browser settings. Google Analytics also offers a deactivation option for popular browsers, but this will not prevent the collection of data by other web analysis services that we may use.

For more information on the opt-out option provided by Google and how to activate it, please follow this link:

For more information on the terms of use and data protection please visit: or

Your rights

You have the following rights concerning your personal data: right of access and right of rectification. But also the right to erasure and the right to restriction of processing. You also have the right to object and the right to data portability. And finally, the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority.

To exercise your rights, please send us your request by email to We will endeavour to respond within 30 days. If data processing is carried out without your consent, you may revoke it at any time,  without giving any reasons. The revocation must be addressed to the data controller.


This page uses linked resources. The copyrights of the images and other resources belong to their owners and are used in accordance with the licence in force at the time of their inclusion.

Data controller n°49 Bd. du Pont d’Arve /1205 Geneva/ represented by :

Mr Samuel Roglin, who is responsible for data processing within the meaning of this privacy policy.

Contact the Data Protection Officer:

General terms and conditions of use (GTCU)

The website (hereinafter "the Site") is published and administered by : Samuel Roglin


These General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU) define the conditions of use of the “” web agency website. Access to and use of the site implies full and complete acceptance of these GTCU.

Use of the site and purchases of products offered on are subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the site.

Please read these Terms and Conditions of use carefully.

By using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted these General Terms of Use without reservation. Similarly, by using the website, you acknowledge the Privacy Policy (see “Privacy Policy”).

These Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy are updated regularly.

The General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Confidentiality Policy in force at the time of use of the website are those that are enforceable against you.

We advise you to keep up to date with the current conditions.

You can check the current version of the General Terms and Conditions of Use or the Privacy Policy at any time by visiting the “General Terms and Conditions of Use” section of the Site.

Security and confidentiality’s Privacy Policy (see “Privacy Policy”) governs the use of personal information provided to on this site. may modify its Privacy Policy at any time, as provided herein.

The website is not intended for minors.

Intellectual property

The content of the “” website, in particular the texts, logos, images, videos and graphics, is the exclusive property of the agency. Any reproduction or use of these elements without written authorisation is strictly prohibited.

With the exception of the exceptions expressly provided for in the General Conditions of Use, you are prohibited from reproducing all or part of the content of the site by any means whatsoever. In particular, you may not distribute, publish, transmit, modify or sell all or part of the content of the site. It is also forbidden to create derivative works from it.

Responsibilities and warranty

The “” web agency makes every effort to provide users with reliable, high-quality information. However, it cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the site. This includes in the event of interruption or error, loss of data as well as viruses or technical failures.

No warranty cannot guarantee or affirm :

– that the website is free of viruses, data overwriting programs, Trojan horses or other destructive material,

– that the information contained on the site is accurate, complete, or up-to-date.

The site may contain technical inaccuracies or other defects, and does not guarantee that these defects will be corrected.

The Internet site and the content of this site are presented “as is” and “as available”. expressly excludes any form of guarantee, and in particular, any implicit guarantee relative to the usual conditions of use of the site. But also the suitability of the site for normal use or for a specific use. Its quality or compliance with any legal provisions.

This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Personal data

The personal data requested on the “” website are processed in compliance with the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Users have the right to access, rectify and delete their personal data.

Hypertext links

The “” website may contain hypertext links to third-party sites. The web agency declines all responsibility for the content of these sites and for any potential direct or indirect damage that may result.


Cookies may be installed on the “” website to facilitate browsing and improve the user experience. Users can deactivate cookies in their browser settings.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These GCU are governed by Swiss law. In the event of a dispute, the courts of Geneva shall have jurisdiction.

The Lugano Convention (CL; RS 0.275.12) on jurisdiction offers consumers who are bound by a contract with a supplier whose registered office or place of business is in the European Union, Iceland or Norway, the possibility of bringing an action before the court of their place of residence or the court where the supplier is domiciled (art. 16 CL). For this provision to be applicable, the supplier’s activity must be aimed at the consumer’s country of residence, which is established when the supplier’s website contains indications of the cross-border nature of the activity (domain name, international recognition, currency, language, etc.). In the case of instalment sales or credit transactions, these rules apply even if the activity is not aimed at the consumer’s State of domicile.

Federal Law on International Private Law LDIP

If the Lugano Convention does not apply, the Federal Act on Private International Law (LDIP; RS 291) takes over. Moreover, under the LDIP, the supplier may be targeted by the consumer in his State of residence in several ways: by advertising in that State or by submitting an offer inviting the consumer to travel abroad. But also by concluding the contract in that State. If one of these conditions is met, the consumer can bring a claim against the supplier before the court in his place of residence or habitual abode, or before the court in the supplier’s place of residence or habitual abode. Your choice.

It should be noted that, according to the LDIP, contracts concluded with consumers are defined as contracts for an everyday consumer service. This service is intended for the consumer’s personal or family use and is not related to his or her professional or commercial activity.

If the contract does not concern an ordinary consumer service, the place of performance of the contract or the domicile of the defendant may be the place of jurisdiction, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

In the case of an international case, article 120 of the LDIP provides that the applicable law is that of the State of the consumer’s habitual residence and that in the absence of a contract concluded with a consumer, the applicable law is generally that of the State where the supplier of the service is domiciled (article 116 of the LDIP); however, the parties may choose another applicable law in their general terms and conditions.

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